Relative to BIR Revenue Regulation 2-2015"Submission of BIR 2316 and Sworn Statement (Annex F)", You are hereby required to submit the scanned BIR Form 2316 (Certificate of Compensation Payment/Tax withheld) of all personnel in you respective
Districts/Schools to this link, on or before February 23, 2024.
You are likewise instructed to print all said individual 2316 and Sworn Statement (Annex F) using the softcopy of the Alphalist to be provided by Division Payroll Unit thru available social media platforms (email, FB-messenger, etc.)
Pursuant to BIR issued RR 16-2021 dated August 3, 2021, all BIR forms 2316 must be scanned and saved in PDF format with the filenames alphabetically arranged and as mentioned in RR 2-2015 the filename must contain the employee's surname, TIN, and taxable period. (e.g., Domasin_274147641000_12312023).
Sworn Statement (ANNEX F) must be prepared and submitted to Division Office c/o Accounting Unit on or before February 23, 2024
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