Pursuant to RA. 10533 or the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 which
aims to broaden the goals of high school education for college preparation,
vocational and technical career opportunities as well as creative, sports and
entrepreneurial employment in a rapidly changing and increasingly globalized
environment, and DM OUCI-2021-347 on the Implementation of Career
Guidance Program (CGP), this office through the Curriculum Implementation
Division (CID) will conduct the 2023 Senior High School Summit Cum Expo
and Career Guidance as part of the Basic Education Learning Continuity
Plan and in response to the challenges in the delivery of basic education in
the mandated implementation of in-person classes. This activity will be held
on March 14-16, 2023, at the Pangasinan Training and Development
Center 2, Capitol compound, Lingayen, Pangasinan.
Follow/Click for more info DM100s2023-Senior High School Summit 2023 Cum Expo and Career Guidance