ADDENDUM TO DM NO. 567 RE: REITERATION OF THE SUBMISSION OF THE NATIONAL LEARNING CAMP (NLC) ...DepEd Pangasinan 1Nov 23, 20231 min readTo expedite the consolidation and submission of the National Leaming Camp (NLC) required documents, all concerned are advised to accomplish the following templates:Follow/Click for moreDM570s2023- ADDENDUM TO DM NO. 567 RE REITERATION OF THE SUBMISSION OF THE NATIONAL LEARNING CAMP (NLC) DOCUMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS
To expedite the consolidation and submission of the National Leaming Camp (NLC) required documents, all concerned are advised to accomplish the following templates:Follow/Click for moreDM570s2023- ADDENDUM TO DM NO. 567 RE REITERATION OF THE SUBMISSION OF THE NATIONAL LEARNING CAMP (NLC) DOCUMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS
ASSESSMENT DATA UTILIZATIONIn reference to Regional Memorandum No. 195, s. 2025, re: Assessment Data Utilization and in compliance with Section 14 of DepEd Order...
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