Pursuant to the conduct of the School-Based Training of Teachers (SBTT)
on the MATATAG Curriculum simultaneously on May 23-25, May 27-28,
2024, herein are the updated details:
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Pursuant to the conduct of the School-Based Training of Teachers (SBTT)
on the MATATAG Curriculum simultaneously on May 23-25, May 27-28,
2024, herein are the updated details:
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In reference to Regional Memorandum No. 1474, s. 2024 and the letter of Ms. Candice de Ausen Jungao, LPT, Ma.Ed. Educator Programs...
The Health and Nutrition Unit, under the School Governance and Operations Division (SGOD) shall conduct a Program Implementation Review...
SDO I Pangasinan, through the Schools Division Research Committee will conduct RESEARCH FINAL DEFENSE (Batch 1) at the 3rd Floor,...